About XL – MATE
XL- Mate as the name suggests is your true Companion which provides the most Comprehensive & Innovative Learning experience through World’s good old friend MS- Excel. XL-Mate changes the way world looks at Excel.
📚 What is XL-Mate – Ever wondered reading a book page by page with real time working on data side by side and playing with animated charts too. XL-Mate is your true companion which includes Notes, Models, Codes, Quiz all in one and that too in an excel framework. The excel sheets start with concepts behind the topics followed by Model Application using actual data and wherever struck user also gets to visualize the results using live animations to understand the model better. At the end user gets to accredit his learning by taking a full fledged dedicated quiz on that topic. For all this experience user just needs to open only one excel sheet. Amazing isn’t it. Other Salient features of XL-Mate include

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💡 A. Opening the Black Box
There is no dearth of rich libraries & built-in functions today which let you execute a model in a single line of code. Ever wondered what happens behind the scenes of these fancy algorithms ? If Yes, XL-Mate is for you. | 🔬 B. Complete Transparency Seeing is believing. With XL-Mate we strive to break complex mathematical procedures in the world of Finance, Risk and Analytics by means of basic MS Excel based formulas which is easy to grasp. XL-Mate is unmatched in terms of promoting absolute transparency in learning. |
📋 C. Comprehensive Coverage XL-Mate exist for all essential topics in banking, insurance & finance. Unravel the deeper connections of these topics and learn cross application of theory and model execution in Excel. | 📝 D. Certified In every XL-Mate product we give an unsolved problem to practice what is learnt and not only this, on submission of the correct answer via an email, user gets certified by Peaks2Tails. |