HR Analytics (Coming Soon)

Accurately predicting attrition risks of current employees can help you take real steps to keep your talent happy, engaged, and less susceptible to competitive overtures.
Churn Prediction: Create analytics models to identify employees at risk of leaving, so managers can rapidly change work conditions and behavior to keep top people from leaving.
Attrition Root Cause: Correlate resignation with factors such as promotion wait time, pay increase, commute, performance, attendance, employee development, while cross referencing attrition variables with historic data and past resignations to see which indicators are the most relevant. Based on your findings, you can begin effectively targeting and fine-tuning your retention strategies.
Resignation Segments: Compare how the resignation rate varies across locations, functions, tenure, age groups, diversity groups, and other variables, to ensure program investments are targeted where they will deliver the most significant results.
This module is in development and will be delivered soon. You can pre-book to avail early bird discount.


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